What was the date x days ago?
What was the date x days ago?
java.sql.Date (because the Java 8 date is not yet commonly used)
You can do text formatting using mustache templates
You can do text formatting using mustache templates
filename of mustache template
data to feed into template
formatted result
Format a number using a format string
Format a number using a format string
number to format
format to use for example ###,###
formatted text returned from running the mustache template
What was the date x months ago?
What was the date x months ago?
java.sql.Date ((because the Java 8 date is not yet commonly used)
Check to see if the specified parameters are supplied to this script.
Check to see if the specified parameters are supplied to this script. If not, halts execution and prints an appropriate error message
list of parameters that are expected
Takes a number and returns it formatted in KB,MB,GB etc.
Takes a number and returns it formatted in KB,MB,GB etc.
Takes two numbers and returns what percent the numerator is of the denominator as a formatted string.
Takes two numbers and returns what percent the numerator is of the denominator as a formatted string.
Ex. toPercent(3,9) == "33.33%" toPercent(2,4) == "50%" toPercent(100,50) == "200%"
What was date x weeks ago?
What was date x weeks ago?
java.sql.Date (because the Java 8 date is not yet commonly used)
Useful utilities